Anaheim Ducks Family Game
Sun Feb 2nd
Honda Center, Anaheim

Valentines Event

Business Meeting
Feb 13, 2025 - Zoom Meeting​
All members are invited to participate. Come help us plan our meetings and activities for the upcoming year.

Installation Tea
What Normally Happens at MMM?
Business Meeting:
General Meeting:
Mom's Socials:
Park Days:
Children's Parties:
Ice Cream Social:
Valentine Party:
Installation Dinner:
Family Picnic:
Mom's Holiday Party:
Zoom Meetings (see FB for more info)
No or low cost in order to include all members
Social events that carry a cost. If no cost, sometimes Mom's Socials and General Meetings are merged in order to encourage members to attend
Play dates geared towards getting out with the kids
Halloween, Holiday Party, and Easter events (family events)
Planned to celebrate new members
Couple's event
Held each April to celebrate our members and officers (General Meeting)
Held at the end of summer for all of us to meet and greet
Mom only event in December with Opportunity Drawing to raise money for philanthropic
Our Parent Organization is Multiples of America (formerly the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs, Inc.)
We are a member of the Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club, Inc.